Dear Neighbors; The MCROA board of directors is organizing a gathering to celebrate Fall. Our whole community is invited. The theme is going to be Italian. The board will provide a tossed green salad, lasagna, spaghetti with vegetarian sauce, italian soda and bottled water. DATE: Saturday Nov-4th-23 TIME: 5PM … Continue reading Italian Dinner Invitation
Drought Declaration and Burn Ban
The following notice is from Clallam Conservation District On Monday, July 24, 2023, the Governor declared a drought for Clallam County. Record high temperatures during the month of May led to a rapidly depleted snowpack which contributes to extremely low streamflow conditions for returning ESA-listed fish such as Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and bull trout. … Continue reading Drought Declaration and Burn Ban
The Riggins are having a moving sale! Friday and Saturday (21-22 July)10 am to 3 pm213 Mariners Point Road
Photos Galore and a Mystery Solved
The Gallery is Growing We want to share the news about all the new photos that have just been added to The new Gardens album is off to a great start with gorgeous photos from Char Reeves, Kathy Smith, Paula West and Karen Hancock. This album is a work in progress, so we'll be … Continue reading Photos Galore and a Mystery Solved
Help Solve this Mystery
Two photos for the website were recently submitted with an unsigned, cryptic message from a strange email address. A reply to said email with query about the source remains unanswered. Do you recognize this location? Who is the Mystery Photographer? If you have any clues, let us know! We love getting photos for the website … Continue reading Help Solve this Mystery
MCROA 4th of July Potluck Update
Gather around, everyone! We are excited to invite you to the MCROA 4th of July Potluck on July 4, 2023 at 12:00 pm! Come out to celebrate Independence Day with your friends and family, and enjoy a delicious meal. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Bring your favorite dish to share and please let … Continue reading MCROA 4th of July Potluck Update
Bridge Repair
We have a photo to follow up Temple Cummins' status report at the Annual Meeting. The middle section of the bridge was replaced April 22 after one of the logs rotted out. A new log was floated into place and four foot wide rough cut cedar laid on top. With the wider planks it's much … Continue reading Bridge Repair
Fire Protection for our Creek Access
The entire west boundary of our community, owned by our HOA and called Tract A, borders McDonnel Creek and is a wooded retreat for all of us. But being thick with trees and other foliage, it is vulnerable to fire. You may have noticed our budget includes an annual fee to the Department of Natural … Continue reading Fire Protection for our Creek Access
You Answered The Call
We sent out a request for volunteers and you came! Last Saturday's work party to trim the poplar trees along Cameron Road was an amazing success. A huge thank you goes out to the Commons Committee for planning and organizing this community work day! And a huge thank you to the seventeen volunteers who showed … Continue reading You Answered The Call
Are you coming?
Friendly reminder about the tree trimming work party tomorrow, Saturday February 11. Meet up at the poplars on Cameron Road at 10 am. Bring your tools and safety gear. We hope to see you there!
Celebrating Fall With Friends
MCROA members gathered for a social at the Olympic Universal Unitarian Fellowship on October 15. It was a beautiful, sunny day to reconnect with neighbors, share an amazing variety of delicious foods, and raise a glass of draft beer (or water) to toast Dorothy Richardson, who turns 90 this month. Ilse Osier was in the … Continue reading Celebrating Fall With Friends
A Fall Gathering
The start of a new season is upon us! To welcome in the autumn, several members have been planning a community potluck gathering on Saturday, October 15, from noon to 3 pm, at the Unitarian Church on Barr Road.An invitation will be mailed to everyone soon with all the details.The Association is providing Bratwurst and … Continue reading A Fall Gathering
Website Redesign News
We've been working to improve your web experience at The Gallery has been redesigned for a more organized presentation of the delightful images taken around the neighborhood. As subscribers to the Blog, you are among the first to know. Your feedback is appreciated and, of course, we want to know if you experience any … Continue reading Website Redesign News
Sending a HUGE thank you out to Nathan Yant and his son, Sutter, and Temple Cummins and his son, Canon, for their incredible construction of a new bridge! Temple wrote the following brief description of their work and submitted these great photos "Nathan and I were able to float two new logs into place … Continue reading NEW & IMPROVED BRIDGE
Next time you are at the north end of Cameron Road, please notice the new street signs for Seaward Dr. and Mariners Point Rd.These signs are easy to read, reflective and have directional arrows, making it safer and easier for visitors, deliveries and emergency responders. A special thanks goes to Board Member, Linda Dey, for researching and ordering … Continue reading BE SURE TO NOTICE…
Fireworks Reminder…
Please remember that fireworks are not allowed in McDonnell Creek Ranch. This reminder is brought to you by your two-legged and four-legged friends! Fireworks are sporadic and unexpected and can be a startling annoyance to some residents. Most animals associate loud noises with danger. Thank you for being mindful.
To Drive or Not to Drive, That is the Question
The newly repaired surface of Seaward Drive needs time to harden and cure. Until July 15, when driving on Seaward Drive:1. Please drive slowly. 15 MPH is the recommended speed limit.2. Avoid driving heavy vehicles on it as much as possible. Avoid driving in a manner that disturbs the road surface:1. Avoid quick stops and … Continue reading To Drive or Not to Drive, That is the Question
We Want to Be Used! Here’s How
Welcome to MCROA’s new website! We look forward to presenting information and communicating with you, our members, in this exciting new format. Blog posts will be updated with the latest news and announcements, and you’ll receive notice of each entry by email if you subscribe. Members who aren’t online will continue to get the news … Continue reading We Want to Be Used! Here’s How
Community News Flash 5.10.22
MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS to the five volunteers who tackled the pruning of the rose bushes along Seaward Drive on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. Their efforts enabled the Board to cancel the services of a professional brush hog that was lined up to do this work, saving MCROA $650! These five members are dedicated to … Continue reading Community News Flash 5.10.22
Community News Flash 10.17.21
Here's What's Happening In Our Neighborhood Project 1: Reshaping the Hillside A big swath of overgrown blackberries and wild rose bushes has been removed. An excavator sculpted the land to make access to the trailhead easier for all. Project 2: Safety and Erosion Protection Crushed gravel, which provides great traction for walkers, was distributed on … Continue reading Community News Flash 10.17.21