Howdy Neighbors and Friends,As members of the Nominating Committee, we would like to inform you that two positions on the MCROA Board of Trustees are expiring this May.Therefore, we need to have an election to fill these positions. We are inviting you to run for one of these positions on the MCROA Board of Trustees.If … Continue reading Elections MCROA Board of Trustees
MCROA Irrigation Update
Note by Linda Dey. "For those of you who did not show up to the Dungeness irrigation annual meeting this morning....There was an important item that was voted on at the meeting. The members that were present, and there were only about 30 of them, voted to increase the minimum annual dues from $60 per … Continue reading MCROA Irrigation Update
Cougar Sighting
Last night Bob Reeves and his son reported seeing a cougar roaming on the back porch of his house. Be aware and protect your pets! Webmaster Ruben and Chele.
Weekend Event
Hello, MCROA Members! One of our neighborhoods artists, Dr. John Hemman has another showing this coming week! Those of us that know John have observed his prolific painting skills and wondered what he was gonna do with all this great art. Last year was his first show. This year, John's show opens at Studio Bob … Continue reading Weekend Event
Brilliant work!
Hi neighbors! Crit Davis here with a special shout-out to some of the unsung heroes of our neighborhood! Several people, including the Wittes, Dean West, and our intrepid hardworking VP, Temple Cummins have worked many hours rebuilding the access platforms and bridges at the Creek. Brilliant work! Michele and I, with a visiting friend, got to … Continue reading Brilliant work!
4th of July Potluck Reminder
Hello neighbors, There is still time to RSVP for our 4th of July Potluck Extravaganza. This is a great opportunity to meet and socialize with your neighbors! The board is providing hotdogs, brats, condiments, and bottled water. So far this is what other members are bringing: Pancit(Filipino noodle dish), pasta salad, bean salad, cheesecake, and … Continue reading 4th of July Potluck Reminder
4th of July Extravaganza!
We are continuing our tradition and invite you to the MCROA 4th of July Potluck on July 4, 2024 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm! Come out to celebrate Independence Day with your friends and family, and enjoy a delicious meal. Brats, hot dogs, and bottled water will be provided. Bring your favorite dish to share … Continue reading 4th of July Extravaganza!
Community Announcement: Field Mowing
Hello everyone! This is your friendly MCROA reminder that our fellow member, Betty Johnson is still available to cut your fields for the hay. Betty uses the cuttings for her livestock, so Oxeye Daisies are a problem. Betty will still cut upon request. Thank you Betty Johnson!
New Signs for Mariners Point Road and Seaward Drive
Hello neighbors! As the photograph shows, we have a new set of signs in the neighborhood. Clallam County has replaced the signs for Mariners point Road and Seaward Drive. The new signs meet the required visibility for emergency vehicles. The next photograph shows outdated signage. Crit Davis has the old signs for Mariners Point Road, … Continue reading New Signs for Mariners Point Road and Seaward Drive
Annual Meeting Reminder
Hi neighbors! A friendly reminder that our annual meeting takes place May 4 at 5pm. The location is the same as last year: the Olympic Universal Unitarian Fellowship, located at 1033 N Barr Road. If you can not attend in person, the meeting will also be available remotely via Zoom broadcast. If you have not … Continue reading Annual Meeting Reminder
Invitation to an art exhibit
Our neighbor John Hemmen is a prolific artist and he is having an open house at Bob’s Studio in Port Angeles. This show is a selection of John’s fish paintings.The exhibition opens this Saturday March 9 from 5:00 to 8:00PM and John will be there Saturday and Sunday March 10th from noon to 3:00PM. The … Continue reading Invitation to an art exhibit
Update: Bird Proofing the Power Pole
PUD linemen in a boom truck installed caps and metal spikes on the power pole at the Helen and Lambert Walk on Olstead Rd. Monday in an effort to prevent more bird electrocutions at this location. Their quick response after the recent death of a red-tailed hawk is much appreciated!
Sad Event at Helen and Lambert Walk
A dead red-tailed hawk was found under the power pole located at the Helen and Lambert Walk on Olstead Rd this week by the Hancocks on their morning walk. The bird appeared to have been electrocuted. This is the second electrocuted raptor they've found here in the last several years. The Hancocks contacted PUD with … Continue reading Sad Event at Helen and Lambert Walk
Update to beach access
BEACH ACCESS RESTORED! Commons Committee members Temple Cummins, Dean West and Glenn Browning went down to the beach on February 14 to evaluate the logs blocking our beach access and discuss repairs to the north bridge. They decided that the best solution to the access problem would be to cut through the big log, and … Continue reading Update to beach access
What a violent storm we must have had in early January! It washed a giant log up on tothe beach and smashed it into the bluff. Temple said it was the biggest log he’s everseen land at the mouth of McDonnell Creek. It’s likely to have a major impact on thelagoon and our beach access … Continue reading CHANGES AT THE MOUTH OF MCDONNELL CREEK
More Pictures of the Italian Dinner
Here are some more pictures of the happy time at the Italian Dinner. As you can see everybody was having a good time talking with neighbors. These pictures were taken by Carol Young. Italian Dinner Collage by Carol Young Dinner Collage by Carol Young Dinner Collage by Carol Young
The MCROA Italian Dinner was a success.
The MCROA Italian Dinner was a success. It was a great occasion to share food with friends. Char Reeves was in charge of arranging the venue for the event. With the help of other residents, the place was tastefully decorated. Each table had a centerpiece welcoming the attendees. Every single corner of the room had … Continue reading The MCROA Italian Dinner was a success.
IN MEMORY of Dorothy and Ed Richardson.
The Board of Trustees has erected a small memorial to honor Dorothy and Ed Richardson, the last of the pioneers in our treasured community. Some of the new residents might not know that Ed was one of the people who signed the original papers of MCROA incorporation. A young, native Vine Maple sapling was planted … Continue reading IN MEMORY of Dorothy and Ed Richardson.
MCROA Dolce Vita….Italian Dinner Night
Dear neighbors; The Board of Trustees is reaching out to you to remind you of the upcoming Italian dinner. We have organized this opportunity to have a chance to socialize with your neighbors. The Board members are bringing Italian food and soft drinks. If you would like to bring dessert or a side dish to … Continue reading MCROA Dolce Vita….Italian Dinner Night
Fire on the Ridge
A Report from Temple Cummins On Saturday the 16th Dana and Dudley Doss met up to partake in the coastal cleanup. Our beach had metal pieces and buoys that we removed with the help of the Dungeness refuge Ranger Gary and his buggy and trailer. It was very foggy that morning, entering the creek we … Continue reading Fire on the Ridge