Latest News
- MCROA Irrigation Update
Note by Linda Dey.
“For those of you who did not show up to the Dungeness irrigation annual meeting this morning….There was an important item that was voted on at the meeting. The members that were present, and there were only about 30 of them, voted to increase the minimum annual dues from $60 per year to $200 per year for the next year. This item will be addressed again at the next annual meeting.
It is suggested that all members/users of the irrigation system be present at next years annual meeting.
The reason for the increase, is to increase the amount of money in our bank account because, we may have some expenses this year or next that will be extensive. You will get a notice from the irrigation board in the near future addressing this item.
I just wanted to give everybody in MCROA a heads up prior to that notice.
Linda Dey”